Chicken Run review by Gary Brown



I saw Chicken Run immediately after sitting through the two hour bombardment of toilet humor in Me, Myself, & Irene. Chicken Run is everything the latter is not: clever, innovative, and funny. And here's a flash for parents who would like to sit through a G-rated film for children and not have their intelligence insulted: Chicken Run, except for a couple of rough moments, is a great family film. At the end of the movie, the audience applauded, the first time I've seen that since Toy Story 2.

  While not an advocate for censorship, I wish that American movie audiences would exercise self-enforced censorship by staying away in droves from garbage like Me, Myself, & Irene. As long as we buy tickets to such fare, we'll see more just like it. Along the same line, if more people would buy tickets to see Chicken Fare, studio executives might order more of the same. It is that simple. It might also serve as a market-driven catalyst to clean up the open sewer known as Hollywood.

  Chicken Run is an full-length animated feature that employs Claymation, a technique seen in television commercials and the "Wallace and Gromit" series. If you haven't seen it before, Claymation reminds me of a highly refined version of the old "Gumby" shorts I saw as a kid. It must take incredible patience and skill to do.

  Chicken Run is based on prisoner-of-war movies like The Great Escape and Stalag 17. The heroes in this version are chickens who seek their freedom from the Tweedy Chicken Farm in England in the 1950s. These chickens must meet a weekly quota of egg production or face the chopping block. One heroine named Ginger (voice of Julia Sawalha) plays the Steve McQueen character by hatching one failed escape attempt after another. Soon, the proprietor named Mrs. Tweedy (Miranda Richardson) decides to pump up profits by converting the egg business into a chicken pot pie operation.

  The desperate chickens' fortunes are reversed with the arrival of a flying rooster named Rocky (Mel Gibson), who promises to teach them all how to fly to freedom. The desperate fowl hash out a daring escape plan that will have you cheering them on, all the while feeling a tinge of guilt about the last time you ordered a take-out chicken dinner from KFC. 希望本影評對您的觀影體驗有所幫助!


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