The Rock review by Ryan Arthur



Slick as hell.

  Hoo boy, this movie is slick. When I say slick, I mean in the way that it looks and feels, and the way that it's instantly forgettable once you leave the theater. It's popcorn, pure and simple, but it works.

  Ed Harris plays a general who's disenfranchised with the military. He swipes some nerve gas and takes his commando unit (a ragtag group, of course) and holes up with a bunch of hostages on Alcatraz (the Rock in question). Nicolas Cage plays the chemical weapons expert who can take care of the gas, but he needs a way in. Enter John Mason (Connery), a con whose claim to fame was that he escaped from Alcatraz. They both end up as part of an assault team that storms the rock, and they're the ones who survive to take the general out.

  The fate of the world rests in the hands of Bond and the man who would be Superman.

  Rest easy.

  Cage proves he can do action, and Connery proves that he can make nearly anything watchable (with the exception of the Avengers). Harris could've been over the top, but he plays the General like a man looking to do right by his men. Aww, a villain with heart.

  It's an action movie, so plot kinda takes a backseat to the explosions and...uh, explosions...but it's fun. It's not exactly groundbreaking (a car chase through the streets of San Francisco that's an homage to/ripoff of Bullitt), but it's pretty impressive. Michael Bay may very well be the devil, and Jerry Bruckheimer may very well be the guy who set up the deal, but damn if their movie isn't pretty. Interesting hues (lotsa green) and crisp framing make this one of the better action movies of recent years.

  Slick, occasionally funny, and pretty cool indeed. 希望本影評對您的觀影體驗有所幫助!


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