搜寻 小雞快跑 的電影影評和劇情

夫妻影評:《小雞快跑 Chicken Run》 - 小雞快跑 落跑雞 咪走雞 小雞也暴動 酷雞大逃亡 跑路小雞

老公的評論: 很出名的一部動畫片,但我們之前一直沒看過。 首先需要肯定的,是這部動畫片裏麵的卡通造型實在是太可愛了,沒看過的朋友可以認真地看看,裏麵畫的每一隻母雞,不用有劇情,看著這樣的圖片你就想笑。 在一段時間裏,好象出現過很多類似的動畫片,有許多的本應安分守己的動物忽然對自己的生活狀態非常不滿,而試圖從人類的控製範圍...

有點失望。。。 - 小雞快跑 落跑雞 咪走雞 小雞也暴動 酷雞大逃亡 跑路小雞

恩 很奇怪 它真的一點也沒有打動我 嗬嗬 不過對國語又有了一個新的認識 近些年來的外國片的國語配音都不忍心讓人聽 在這部片子裏 應該說在聲音上加入很多新元素 也看出了中方確實用了心 確實 我一直對粘土動畫情有獨鍾 英國的阿德曼尤其讓人向往 但這一部確實比較不能讓我滿意 當然在技術上卻是還是保持了相當的水準 可是和夢工廠的合作使得這個...

很不錯的一部片子 - 小雞快跑 落跑雞 咪走雞 小雞也暴動 酷雞大逃亡 跑路小雞


Chicken Run review by Gary Brown - 小雞快跑

I saw Chicken Run immediately after sitting through the two hour bombardment of toilet humor in Me, Myself, & Irene. Chicken Run is everything the latter is not: clever, innovative, and funny. And here's a flash for parents who would like to sit through a G-rated film for children and not have their intelligenc...

Chicken Run review by Jeff Vice - 小雞快跑

They may be made out of clay — or to be more accurate, a special molding resin called Plasticine — but the characters in "Chicken Run" have more life, if not more appeal, than the majority of their flesh-and-blood counterparts. That shouldn't come as a complete surprise, considering the movie...

Chicken Run review by Gary Brown - 小雞快跑

I saw Chicken Run immediately after sitting through the two hour bombardment of toilet humor in Me, Myself, & Irene. Chicken Run is everything the latter is not: clever, innovative, and funny. And here's a flash for parents who would like to sit through a G-rated film for children and not have their intelligenc...

Chicken Run review by Jeff Vice - 小雞快跑

They may be made out of clay — or to be more accurate, a special molding resin called Plasticine — but the characters in "Chicken Run" have more life, if not more appeal, than the majority of their flesh-and-blood counterparts. That shouldn't come as a complete surprise, considering the movie...

Chicken Run review by Jeff Vice - 小雞快跑

They may be made out of clay — or to be more accurate, a special molding resin called Plasticine — but the characters in "Chicken Run" have more life, if not more appeal, than the majority of their flesh-and-blood counterparts. That shouldn't come as a complete surprise, considering the movie...

Chicken Run review by ROGER EBERT - 小雞快跑

Mrs. Tweedy isn't fooling. Despite her twee British name, she's not a nice little old lady chicken farmer. She means business. Early in "Chicken Run," she singles out a chicken who hasn't been laying its daily egg and condemns it to a chopping block. Since this is an animated film, we expect a jok...

Chicken Run review by Michael Sragow - 小雞快跑

June 21, 2000 | A few years back, cartoon fans got a glimpse of the dazzling energy behind England's Aardman Animations in a live-action short called "State of the Art." You could see the company's risk-taking puppet animators use the same tricks as traditional Disney-style animators to get a characte...